Matrix Sum

class fastmat.Sum

Bases: Matrix

For matrices \(A_k \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times m}\) with \(k = 1,\dots,N\) we define a new mapping \(M\) as the sum

\[M = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{N} A_k,\]

which then also is a mapping in \(\mathbb{C}^{n \times m}\).

>>> # import the package
>>> import fastmat as fm
>>> # define the components
>>> A = fm.Circulant(x_A)
>>> B = fm.Circulant(x_B)
>>> C = fm.Fourier(n)
>>> D = fm.Diag(x_D)
>>> # construct the sum of transformations
>>> M = fm.Sum(A, B, C, D)

Assume we have two circulant matrices \(A\) and \(B\), an \(N\)-dimensional Fourier matrix \(C\) and a diagonal matrix \(D\). Then we define

\[M = A + B + C + D.\]

Initialize a Sum matrix instance.


The matrix instances to be summed.


Additional optional keyworded arguments. Supports all optional arguments supported by fastmat.Matrix.